Introduction to the Institution

While identifying state lands of the province and conserving them; disposing the identified lands for more purposeful task and ensuring post monitoring activities as well as development activities of disposed lands are the functions carried out by the provincial land department.

According to the thirteenth amendment to the constitution and as per the powers vested on provincial councils, the Western Provincial Land Department was established to manage and administer land within the province.

The management and administrative affairs of all the state land located within the Western Province are carried out by this department, in compliance with The Land Development Ordinance, Crown Land Ordinance, Land Grants Special Provisions Act and other related Acts, Rules & Regulations.

Western province consists of forty divisional secretariats covering three main districts Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara. The department has deployed it’s officers in provincial head office, district offices and divisional secretariats, to carry out aforesaid functions of the department.